Sunday, November 02, 2008

He's No Goode

When not flitting about the Fifth Dimension, I used to live in Charlottesville, Virginia, a very Democratic college town surrounding by Republican counties. The representative in Congress there is Virgil Goode. His name is pronounced like GOO with a d at the end and his charming old-Virginia accent sometimes sounds a bit more like Forrest Gump. If Charlottesville controlled the vote, he'd have been out a long time ago, being aconservative Dem who switched to the Republican party. But his district goes down to southside Virginia, a Republican stronghold that has been hit hard economically over recent years.

Not focused on such unimportant matters as the economy, Goode has concentrated his efforts on being a true Christian American. Here's an oldie but a Goode-ie:

Congress of the United States
House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515-4605

Dec. 7, 2006

Mr. John Cruickshank
7— S— Dr.
Earlysville, VA 22936

Dear Mr. Cruickshank:

Thank you for your recent communication. When I raise my hand to take the oath on Swearing In Day, I will have the Bible in my other hand. I do not subscribe to using the Koran in any way. The Muslim Representative from Minnesota was elected by the voters of that district and if American citizens don't wake up and adopt the Virgil Goode position on immigration there will likely be many more Muslims elected to office and demanding the use of the Koran. We need to stop illegal immigration totally and reduce legal immigration and end the diversity visas policy pushed hard by President Clinton and allowing many persons from the Middle East to come to this country. I fear that in the next century we will have many more Muslims in the United States if we do not adopt the strict immigration policies that I believe are necessary to preserve the values and beliefs traditional to the United States of America and to prevent our resources from being swamped.

The Ten Commandments and "In God We Trust" are on the wall in my office. A Muslim student came by the office and asked why I did not have anything on my wall about the Koran. My response was clear, "As long as I have the honor of representing the citizens of the 5th District of Virginia in the United States House of Representatives, The Koran is not going to be on the wall of my office." Thank you again for your email and thoughts.

Sincerely yours,
Virgil H. Goode, Jr.
70 East Court Street
Suite 215
Rocky Mount, Virginia 24151

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