Monday, January 01, 2007

Where Are You, Madalyn Murray O'Hair?

"The time of the rapture is at hand... Do you know someone who is in danger of being "left behind" because of a sinful life? Imagine if you could write a letter to a friend or loved one after the Great Day of Reckoning...This is where the Post-Rapture Post comes in...Just write your letter and it will be hand-delivered immediately following the exodus of the pure from the Earth. But you must be thinking to yourself, "How can the letters be delivered after the Rapture?" The answer is simple. The creators of this site are Atheists." (more)

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Mister Mxyzptlk said...

SR - Beats the heck out of the prayerbooks in synagogue

Anonymous said...

oh my god, that is so genius! where, how did you find that?!?!?!?!?!

Mister Mxyzptlk said...

my wonderful daughter