Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Tit Changed Everything

By LARRY NEUMEISTER, Associated Press Sept. 3, 2006

NEW YORK - Broadcasters say the hesitancy of some CBS affiliates to air a powerful Sept. 11 documentary next week proves there's been a chilling effect on the First Amendment since federal regulators boosted penalties for television obscenities after Janet Jackson's breast was exposed at a Super Bowl halftime show.

"This is example No. 1," said Martin Franks, executive vice president of CBS Corp., of the decision by two dozen CBS affiliates to replace or delay "9/11" — which has already aired twice without controversy — over concerns about some of the language used by the firefighters in it.

As Bill Maher, referring to "Janet Jackson's sneak tit attack on America" said, "9-11 didn't change anything, but the tit changed everything." (Real Time, Sept. 8, 2006)

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AL RULES said...

the lame thing about the whole tit thing was that it wasnt even a nice tit. it was a tit of a worn out old cougar. if a tit was going to ruin television for us all, why couldnt it have been scarlett johansson???

Anonymous said...

I think the reaction to nipplegate was racist as well as sexist. But yes, America gets all in a lather about this -- and you really can't see the nipple anyhow -- but torture and murder on TV, both real and imagined... Well, that's just peachy!

Katie Schwartz said...

mister mister... what gives??!?! no post since last saturday. I have been vigilant! check your traffic. sure, it's been a busy week, but I've made time to hit the goods.

post! please :)

Mister Mxyzptlk said...

Hey, what's with all the pressure. OK, OK, I'll put one up. Sheesh, it's good to have fans.